Sri Bala Vinayaka and Bala Subramanya Swamy Sannidhi

One day at Konai, after the conclusion of Sri Devi Yaga, when PujyaSri Gurudeva threw up flowers for the benediction of all, a dollar fell on the floor. It had Sri Ganapathy on one side and Sri Subrahmanya on the other side. PujyaSri Gurudeva understood its significance and immediately decided to establish a temple for Shri BalaVinayaka BalaSubramanya Swamy.

Accordingly the temple was constructed and PujyaSri Gurudeva dampathy performed the Kumbabhishekam on June 22, 1969. Pujyasri Gurudeva also blessed all and said “Through the temple, our tapas Shakti will protect all of you and bestow good fortune”. The temple is the source of strength to the Mahathee Mandalam and one and all. Kumbabhishekams were further performed in 1982, 1991, 2004 and 2016 . The Golden Jubilee of the temple was celebrated in July 2019 in a grand manner and the Sahasranama for Shri BalaVinayaka BalaSubramanya Swamy was also brought out to commemorate the occasion.